HR Tech 2018


Robin Schooling

Robin Schooling
Practice Lead – HR + People Strategy
Peridus Group

Robin Schooling, Practice Lead, HR + People Strategy with Peridus Group, has spent her career in HR and Recruiting with the stories and battle scars to match. She’s a regular speaker to global HR and business audiences, has a long-running HR blog at, and has written for Recruiting Daily, Fast Company, Certified Magazine, HR Examiner, SHRM and other sites. Since 2018 she’s been co-host of DrivethruHR, one of the longest continuously running HR radio shows/podcasts (since 2010!). She is a Board Member with HR Open Source and she manages the Carnival of HR, a long-running blogging carnival. Robin lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where she’s a fervent and unapologetic New Orleans Saints fan and continues on her quest to search out the perfect French75. You can connect with her on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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