IAAPA Attractions Expo 2018


Mary Southwick

Mary Southwick
Director of Training
TrainerTainment L.L.C.

Mary works as the Director of Operations at Trainertainment. Some of her responsibilities include coordinating trainers and clients, as well as delivering training, coaching and working the logistics for all things Trainertainment. Mary comes to TrainerTainment from the classroom with 20 years of experience as an educator. Her education background will help in the development of training curriculum, as well as acting as an onsite trainer. Mary’s teacher/training experience allows her to train using multiple strategies to achieve the most understanding. Her classroom experience with kids allows her to know the best way to provide FUN training with serious results which is in line with TrainerTainment’s core values. Her in-depth knowledge of the industry comes from many brainstorming sessions with Beth over the years and her time working for Schumaker and Company bowling centers in both Fort Worth and Dallas. Mary also works behind the scenes at TrainerTainment as our bookkeeper.

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