BOMA MOB & Healthcare Facilities Conference 2018


John VanSanten

John VanSanten
Managing Director

John VanSanten is a Managing Director and co-lead for the real estate practice within the Valuation Advisory group. He has more than 25 years of extensive experience in real estate valuations of all types of commercial and special use properties, with a particular emphasis on healthcare properties. He has prepared and reviewed valuation and feasibility studies for litigation support, conventional financing, synthetic lease transactions, bond financing, ad valorem, condemnation, estate, purchase accounting, financial reporting, federal tax disputes, fair rental studies (Stark and Anti-Kickback Compliance), and insurance purposes. John has been qualified as an expert witness and has testified numerous times in federal, state, and local jurisdictions around the country. He has provided expert witness testimony in federal district court, bankruptcy court and state courts in Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. He has also provided testimony for Arbitration and IRS tax disputes. In addition, testimony has been provided before several administrative hearing bodies including the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board, the County Board of Review in several counties in Illinois, and before hearing bodies in California, Indiana, Florida, Nebraska, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, and Arizona. Prior to joining Stout, John was a Director with Huron Consulting Group’s healthcare practice. During his tenure with Huron, he was retained by outside counsel in several lawsuits to provide valuation services and expert testimony. Prior to that, he was the Vice President for Real Estate Analysis Corporation where he focused primarily on litigation support including tax appeal and eminent domain cases.

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