RSI/CMA 2018


Debbie Taylor

Debbie Taylor
Executive Recruiter & Management Consultant
Edna A. Rice Executive Recruiters, Inc.

Debbie is an accomplished executive recruiter, passionate business professional, and entrepreneur. She has experience generating revenue for organizations by bringing to the table front-line expertise and leadership from large corporate structures, investor-funded start-ups and professional service organizations. In addition, she provides insight to teams by leveraging experience as an Ad Hoc faculty member at major universities, in community leadership positions and has worked on six different continents. Debbie a life-long learner earned her B.S., Marketing from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and her MBA from Loyola University in Chicago. Additionally, she draws on her twenty-five years’ experience helping businesses grow and her deep network of relationships across the country to help the Company’s rail and transportation clients identify and attract current and next generation leaders. Her clients include transit railcar manufacturing, freight car manufacturing, component manufacturing, engineering and infrastructure firms, freight services companies, railroads, transit operators and any company within our Transportation eco-system. Debbie and her husband have four grown children who have/are studying internationally and are now pursuing each of their individual dreams. As a family they enjoy adventure travel, the outdoors, reading and plan to sail around the world one day.

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