RSI/CMA 2018


Jane Covington

Jane Covington
Resident Vice President, State Government Affairs

Jane Covington is resident vice president of state government affairs for CSX Transportation, covering Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. In this role, she handles state and local legislative and public affairs issues, and oversees the company’s charitable giving program for her territory. After earning her bachelor’s degree from Old Dominion University in English with an emphasis in professional writing, Covington began her career with CSX at the company’s headquarters in Jacksonville, Fla., in 1993, where her focus was media relations. She left CSX in 1999 and joined Florida East Coast Industries as director of communications for a holding company with railroad, telecom, real estate and trucking subsidiaries. She then rejoined CSX in 2001 as director of media relations for the Northeast Region, based in Pittsburgh, Pa. She transitioned to the company’s State Government and Community Affairs group when she moved to Nashville in 2005. Upon moving to Nashville, she became a Rotarian, and currently serves on the board of directors for railroad trade associations in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. She served on the board of directors for the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry, where she is past chair of the Public Affairs Committee. Other professional, civic and nonprofit activities during her career include involvement with the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, the transition team for former Jacksonville Mayor John Peyton, organizer for CSX volunteer service activities through the company’s partnership with City Year (an organization that unites young people for a year of full-time community service), the Trees for Tracks program (planting two trees for each of CSX’s 21,000 miles of railroad track), and service on the boards of several animal rescue organizations.

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