RSI/CMA 2018


Alison Brayman

Alison Brayman
Assistant Chief Engineer of Signals and Communications
CP Rail

Alison Brayman graduated from University of Alberta in 2011 with a BSc in Engineering Physics. She began her career with Hatch Mott MacDonald as a junior signal designer working on both light and heavy rail projects. While with HMM she also got her introduction to signal testing as she oversaw testing being done on light rail and airport baggage systems. She moved to Canadian Pacific in 2014 as an intermediate signal designer and led a project to install CTC signals on 200 miles of dark territory in North Dakota as well as assisted with test plan production for various projects across Canada and the USA. She was promoted 2 years ago to her current position as Assistant Chief Engineer - Testing and Commissioning. In her current roles she is responsible for the testing done on any new or altered signal systems across CP’s entire rail network as well as the testing processes followed by CP Rail. This includes all crossing, CTC, ABS, and PTC implementation or upgrade projects.

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