RSI/CMA 2018


Tanis Peterson

Tanis Peterson
Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs
Railway Association of Canada

Tanis Peterson is the Director of Regulatory Affairs for the Railway Association of Canada. In addition to her over 15 years of working in the railway industry, Tanis also has extensive entrepreneurial experience having created, built and sold a successful construction business. Tanis started her career in the railway industry as a conductor with CP Rail. Over the years, she held a variety of positions at CP and AMIC Railway – from locomotive engineer, to technical trainer and rules instructor, to senior manager overseeing technical training and operating practices. She has also worked as consultant for numerous companies within the industry. Tanis joined the Railway Association of Canada as a Director in June of 2014. She uses her experience to represent the Canadian industry while building cross-industry networks in both the public and private sectors, and advancing the effectiveness and safety of the North American railway transportation system. Tanis is currently serving at the President of the League of Railway Women.

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