2019 Craft Brewers Conference


Matt Johnson

Matt Johnson
Brewmaster, Brewery Operations
Karl Strauss Brewing Co

Matt Johnson is the Brewmaster of Brewery Operations for Karl Strauss Brewing Company in San Diego. After joining Karl Strauss in 2008 Matt has had the privilege of being fully immersed in Karl Strauss’ long history in San Diego. Matt brings with him over 21 years experience in the brewing industry. He is seen as a leader of the production team in the brewery, and has contributed in the success at many national and international beer competitions, winning over 100 medals over the past 8 years. After receiving his Bachelor degree in Speech Communications, Matt’s passion and love for beer led him to the American Brewers Guild program at UC Davis to receive a degree in Intensive Craft Brewing Science and Engineering. Matt is an active judge at the Great American Beer Festival and also the World Beer Cup competition. He is a member of the Master Brewers Association of the Americas, a member of the BA Brewpub Committee, a member of the advisory board for UCSD’s brewing extension program, and he is an active member or the Hop Research Council and the Hop Quality Group.

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