The JPMA Show 2019


Heidi Murkoff

Heidi Murkoff
Author & Founder
What to Expect

It all started with a baby and a book. Heidi Murkoff conceived the idea for What to Expect When You’re Expecting during her first pregnancy, when she couldn’t find answers in the books she turned to for much-needed advice. Just hours before delivering her daughter, Emma, Heidi delivered the proposal for a pregnancy guide that would help other expectant parents sleep better at night. She was a mom on a mission – a mission that was only getting started. Heidi’s passionate commitment to moms and babies led to the creation of the What to Expect Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping moms in need expect healthy pregnancies, safe deliveries, and healthy babies. With a beautiful, culturally appropriate, low-literacy pregnancy guide (provided at no cost to at-risk moms), supportive curriculum, and training for health care professionals and staff in clinics, the WTE Project’s groundbreaking Baby Basics—available in English, Spanish, and Chinese—has helped over 950,000 expectant moms-to-be and babies in need. The foundation also partnered with the State Department to bring Baby Basics global, starting with Liberia and Bangladesh. Heidi advocates for maternal-child health, meeting and making media appearances with many leaders in the Senate and the House on issues such as the ACA, Zika, and family leave and childcare. She works closely with the CDC and other public health organizations and sits on the board of the 2020 Collaborative. WHAT TO EXPECT is a registered trademark of What to Expect LLC.

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