POWER-GEN Asia 2018


Shahasrakiranna Sambodjo

Shahasrakiranna Sambodjo
Earth Scientist
IMGS (Indie Mega GeoSurvey)

Shahasrakiranna (born May 8, 1993 in Jakarta, Indonesia) studied earth science at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in the field of physical oceanography for her bachelor and master’s degree. She was also just finished her postgraduate training in Germany, for Partnership of Global Ocean Observation at Alfred Wegener Institute. Since junior year in college, she has interest in climate change and green energy issue, therefore she joined Student Energy, a youth non-profit organization that gathered student all over the world to discuss solution for a better sustainable environment in the future. She later became the delegate management director of International Student Energy Summit 2015 in Bali. She enjoy research yet she still want to develop her skill and knowledge in the field of renewable energy, she joined Indie Mega Geosurvey with in 2018 and hoping the world can efficiently explore and exploit energy resources by keeping the environment sustainable.

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