POWER-GEN Asia 2018


. Nurafiatullah

. Nurafiatullah
Commercial Assistant Analyst
PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (Paiton)

Nurafiatullah is an employee at PT PJB UP Paiton, a 2x400 MW coal-fired steam powerplant locaten in Paiton, Probolinggo City, East Java Province, Indonesia. In 2015, Nurafiatullah started as a Main Unit Operator Assistant that operates turbine and boiler area equipments. Then, in 2017, Nurafiatullah become a Commercial Assistant Analyst that mainly responsible for the electricity energy transaction and also the achievement of PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (Paiton) performances. Being employed in a powerplant that uses fossil fuel as its main source of energy, doesn’t make Nurafiatullah not interested in developing renewable energy. Together with Nurafiatullah’s co-workers, Musanta Harrisa Ginting and Devi Oktavianingtyas, Nurafiatullah wants to synergize renewable energy resources and fossil fuel energy to generate cleaner and environmentally friendly electricity energy.

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