POWER-GEN Asia 2018


Michael Kreißl

Michael Kreißl
Manager Electrical & Automation
MTU Onsite Energy GmbH Gas Power Systems

From 2006 to 2011 I studied Electrical Engineering with the specialization Energy and Automation at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg. Since March 2011 I’ve been working for the Company MTU Onsite Energy GmbH. In the beginning my main task was the development of controllers for gas engines and systems. I’ve started working with Grid Codes in the year 2011. Since then I’m strongly involved in the committee work for the German and European Grid Codes. From 2012 to 2014 I proceeded the certification of the gas engines of MTU Onsite Energy for the German standard “BDEW Medium-Voltage Guideline”. There for I performed measurements with a measurement lab and took part at the development of an dynamic model for gas engines with synchronous machines. Now we are planning the certification of our products for the “new” German Medium-Voltage Guideline “AR-N-4110.

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