
Margriet Vollenberg

Margriet Vollenberg

Margriet Vollenberg is an entrepreneur and a professional in the global field of design and has over twenty years’ experience in the design industry. Margriet, founder of Organisation in Design and founder & art director of Ventura Projects, has got a grand sense of adventure on the one hand and the prudence to do business wisely on the other. She comes from a family where she could learn entrepreneurship, experiencing the art of getting things done from close up. “It’s not easy to start your own studio and make a success of it if you devote all your heart and soul to design. A new designer is confronted with so much more than that.” She is a graduate designer who studied at the Design Academy in Eindhoven under Lidewij Edelkoort, the head professor. The most important thing Margriet learned at the Design Academy, however, was that she didn’t want to become a designer. “I know it sounds crazy, but my time in Eindhoven taught me not only perseverance but above all that my strength lies in creating a connection between design, designers and potential markets.” Upon graduating Margriet decided not to embark immediately on the great adventure of starting her own company, but first to make the design world itself her school. “Italy is ideal in that respect. After all, Milan is synonymous with design.”

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