Offshore WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2018


Brian Hooker

Brian Hooker
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Brian is a native of the of the lower Chesapeake Bay watershed in Virginia. He graduated from Lynchburg College in Virginia with a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science. After a short stint with the Virginia Institute of Marine Science planting seagrass in the Chesapeake Bay, Brian joined the U.S. Peace Corps in Senegal, West Africa as an Agroforestry Extension Agent. Upon his return to the States, Brian earned a degree of Master of Environmental Management from Duke University and soon thereafter accepted a job with NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Brian worked for 7 years with NMFS in various fishery management capacities including coordinating fishery management plans for golden tilefish, surfclams and ocean quahogs, horseshoe crabs, weakfish, Atlantic sturgeon, and American eel. Over the years Brian has worked closely with U.S. Fishery Management Councils with jurisdiction in the Atlantic and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Brian began working with BOEM’s Office of Renewable Energy Programs in 2010 to aid in the assessment and study of environmental impacts from offshore renewable energy along the U.S. Atlantic seaboard. His area of expertise at BOEM is around protected species, essential fish habitat, and commercial and recreational fishing.

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