
Moises Sudit, Ph.D.

Moises Sudit, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Vice President for Sponsored Programs and Commercialization
University at Buffalo

Moises Sudit is Associate Vice-President for Sponsored Research at the University at Buffalo as well as Executive Director of the Center for Multisource Information Fusion and Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at that institution. Dr. Sudit also is the Chief Scientist at CUBRC (non-for-profit Research Center in Buffalo). Primary research interests are in the theory and applications of Discrete Optimization and Information Fusion. More specifically, he has been concerned in the design and analysis of methods to solve problems in the areas of Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization. One primary goal of this research has been the development of efficient exact and approximate (heuristic) procedures to solve large-scale engineering and management problems. He has merged the interests of Discrete Mathematics with Information Fusion to solve Big Data NP-Hard problems. Dr. Sudit is a NRC Fellow trough the Information Directorate at the Air Force Research Laboratory and has received a number of scholarly and teaching awards. He also received the prestigious IBM Faculty Scholarship Award. Dr. Sudit has a number of publications in distinguished journals and has been the Principal Investigator in numerous research projects. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, his Master of Science in Operations Research from Stanford University and his Doctorate in Operations Research from Purdue University.

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