Fresh Summit 2019


Robert Herjavec

Robert Herjavec
Entrepreneur, Leading Shark on ABC’s Shark Tank

Robert Herjavec is a dynamic entrepreneur and leading Shark on ABC’s Shark Tank. Born in Eastern Europe, he arrived in North America on a boat with his parents after escaping communism in the former Yugoslavia. From delivering newspapers, and waiting tables, to launching a computer company from his basement, his drive to achieve has led him to the fulfillment of a better life for himself and his family. In 2003, Robert founded Herjavec Group, and it quickly became one of North America’s fastest growing technology companies. Today, Herjavec Group is recognized as a global cybersecurity operations leader specializing in managed security services, compliance and incident response for enterprise level organizations. Robert’s motivational business advice has received millions of impressions through TV, print, radio and digital media. He shares his expertise with other entrepreneurs each week as a leading Shark on ABC’s Emmy Award-winning hit show Shark Tank.

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