United Fresh 2019


Steve Warshawer

Steve Warshawer
Food Safety and Value Chain Technical Advisor
Wallace Center at Winrock International

Steve Warshawer is the food safety and value chain technical advisor to the Wallace Center at Winrock International. Wallace Center is a National leader in developing market-based solutions, support, and training programs for Local and Regional oriented food and farm businesses. In this role he applies learned experience from over 40 years in a variety of farm, food, and distribution businesses based at the diverse, very small family farm that he and his wife Colleen operate in the highlands near Santa Fe New Mexico. In 2009 his commitment to assisting value chain partners gain new markets by meeting supply chain expectations led him to dive into the world of voluntary and regulatory farm food safety. As a novice he sought and gained insight from many specialty Crop Industry Food Safety and Quality System professionals. Today he works as a member of the Technical Working Group of United Fresh Harmonized GAP initiative and serves on its Calibration Committee. He catalyzed and facilitated a collaborative initiative between the Wallace Center and USDA AMS/SCI to develop the ISO 9001 based GroupGAP Food Safety audit program. Through its “National Good Food Network” and related partnerships, Wallace Center initiatives continue to advance the understanding and implementation of scale appropriate, science and risk-based approach to food safety training and implementation for farms and food businesses in direct markets and short supply chains. Wallace Center is particularly focused on training, implementation, and especially data acquisition and reporting methods that are adapted to the needs of historically underserved communities and among socially disadvantaged and limited resource producers.

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