Mensa AG 2019


James McGaha

James McGaha
Grasslands Observatory

James is a retired USAF pilot, astronomer and director of the Grasslands Observatory. He held a top-secret, compartmented security clearance and was involved in numerous classified operations, including ops in the so-called “Area 51.” His current work includes astrometry and photometry of asteroids and supernovae. He has discovered 15 asteroids and 63 comets and has more than 3,000 M.P.E.C. publications on near-Earth asteroids. He is the winner of the 2002 Shoemaker NEO Grant. James has actively promoted science and debunked pseudoscience for more than 40 years. He was the founder and chairman of the Tucson Skeptics and a scientific consultant to CSICOP. He has lectured on and investigated numerous UFO cases around the world.

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