NCIA 2019 Cannabis Business Summit


Cindy Sovine

Cindy Sovine
President & CEO
Sovine Consulting

Cindy has over 20 years of government relations experience in Colorado working on local, state and federal issues. She is highly effective at helping clients achieve their goals and successfully navigate ever-changing legislative, regulatory and political environments. She is a Colorado native who grew up farming and ranching in eastern Colorado. Cindy spent much of her career working in health care and early childhood education until she began working in cannabis policy in 2016 after her step-dad’s journey with lymphatic cancer and seeing firsthand how cannabis alleviated his suffering and provided a quality of life that traditional treatments could not provide. She now works in Hemp and Marijuana policy and speaks all over the country helping states create sound policies. Cindy also provides government contract procurement and state budget line item services for companies seeking to do business with the State and its local governments. You hire an attorney to help your business work within lines that have been drawn. You hire Cindy to redraw the lines to work for you. A Colorado native, Cindy has helped international clients such as Xerox and Blue Cross Blue Shield procure government contracts as well as helping start-up companies successfully navigate government hurdles along the way. Cindy began her career in the Office of Legislative Council, the Colorado General Assembly’s non-partisan staff, where she learned the rules and legislative process inside and out. She worked with staff on the health and human services committees and coordinated the state’s ballot initiative process before switching to lobbying in 2003. Cindy’s current lobbying platform includes hemp, medical and retail marijuana, technology, and alternative energy. Former clients include Microsoft, HP, and nearly every industry within the health care delivery system including hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, providers and more.

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