NCIA 2019 Cannabis Business Summit


Kim Wilson

Kim Wilson
Executive Director
Global Cannabis Partnership

Kim brings her many years of social responsibility expertise, including participation in numerous and international CSR bodies and community boards, to her role as Executive Director. Prior to joining GCP, Kim spent 11 years at Atlantic Lottery Corporation (ALC) as Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility. During that time, Kim led, developed, prepared and executed ALC’s CSR strategy, which included a focus on diversity and inclusion, health and wellness, volunteerism and responsible gambling. A seasoned media and public relations practitioner, Kim is a proactive and dynamic leader who gets things done.She holds a graduate certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility from the University of St. Michael’s College at the University of Toronto, and a Bachelor of Public Relations degree (with a French concentration) from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax. An active volunteer, Kim is a Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, and Chair of the Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Atlantic Division Council.

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