2019 Annual Educational Conference and Trade Show


Moira Hechenleitner, DVM, CSAT

Moira Hechenleitner, DVM, CSAT

Complete Canines LLC

Dr. Moira Hechenleitner graduated in 2007 from Mayor University College of Veterinary Medicine in Santiago, Chile. She is a Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer (CSAT), with a postgraduate in Animal-Assisted Therapy. Dr. Hechenleitner is a founding board member of the Chilean Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT Chile) and has worked as a canine behavior consultant for 11 years, offering consultation services to pet owners, teaching courses to dog trainers, and giving seminars internationally. She currently resides in Mystic, Connecticut and helps dogs and their families from all over the world overcome separation anxiety.

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