2020 Northeast Cannabis Business Conference


Jake Mitchell

Jake Mitchell
Sr. Outreach Consultant
Resource Innovations

Jake moved to Colorado ten years ago from Berkshire County, Massachusetts and received his Bachelors degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Northern Colorado. He then continued his education by attaining a Master's degree in Environmental Management with an emphasis in Sustainable and Resilient Communities from Western State Colorado University. After working for years as a sustainability and climate expert advising cities, states, and private corporations, Jake saw the need for addressing environmental issues in the cannabis sector. Utilizing years of experience working with both cannabis and the environment, Jake is combining his expertise to help create a more sustainable and resilient cannabis industry. He created Sustainabis in 2017 to advise and consult on holistic environmental issues in the cannabis space and its related sectors. Jake is a member and leader of multiple advisory groups that help cannabis progress sustainably on a national and industry level. From policy level advising down to the consulting for smallest business, Jake has developed strategies and advised on projects that have created a more prosperous and environmentally friendly cannabis sector. “I don’t fight for nature for nature’s sake, I do it for humanity. Nature will continue to move forward whether we are here or not, but we are making this world unlivable for ourselves.”

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