2020 Northeast Cannabis Business Conference


Kaitlin Urso

Kaitlin Urso
Environmental Consultant
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

Kaitlin is a free environmental consultant for small businesses for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment in Denver, CO. She has nine years of technical, environmental experience and a mechanical engineering degree from the University of Colorado.  In her role, Kaitlin rotates through industries to focus on providing proactive environmental assistance to and create lasting program resources. Kaitlin specializes in greening the brewing and cannabis industries. In 2017, Kaitlin spearheaded the creation of CDPHE’s Sustainable Breweries Assistance Program and helped numerous local craft brewers focus on reducing their environmental impacts. For 2018-2020, Kaitlin is focusing on providing proactive environmental assistance to the cannabis industry to help them in becoming more environmentally friendly. Kaitlin is also conducting cutting edge air quality research related to the growth of cannabis plants.Additionally, she is project managing the build of a free online tool for the cannabis industry that will help track, trend, and benchmark environmental data and allow businesses to anonymously share and compare metrics. Kaitlin is the author of the air quality chapter of the current Cannabis Environmental BMP Guide in 2018 and was a speaker at the 2018 Cannabis Sustainability Symposium. In 2019, Kaitlin was a speaker at the North American Cannabis Summit, the Craft Brewers Conference, MJBizNEXT conference, Air and Waste Management Association’s conference, NCIA’s business conference, the Colorado Environmental Health Association's annual conference, and the Society of Environmental Journalists’ annual conference.

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