2020 Northeast Cannabis Business Conference


Bryan Passman

Bryan Passman
Hunter + Esquire

Founder of cannabis industry talent acquisition firm Hunter + Esquire in 2017 which began to also serve the hiring needs of the psychedelics industry in 2019. Globally renowned in executive search and advisory in the Cannabis, MedTech/ Pharma/Biotech, and Food & Beverage (FMCG) Consumer Packaged Goods industries. Before co-founding Hunter + Esquire, spent 18 years as an SVP Recruitment and Client Leader at two different retained search agencies where my teams and I were responsible for successfully managing talent searches globally. I've spent my entire career succeeding in retained executive search - with a foundation of classical training by the MRINetwork and Dale Carnegie. Our hiring partners benefit greatly from my ability to communicate, train and execute on the intricacies of the "high-touch" executive search and talent acquisition process as well as from my eye for talent, and "fit".

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