PWX 2021


Jeannine Clancy

Jeannine Clancy
Chair, Water Resources Management Committee
Metro Council Environmental Services

Jeannine Clancy was appointed Assistant General Manager, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES), in July 2017. Jeannine and her staff are responsible for wastewater system planning, wastewater cost allocation, community relations, and the design, construction and commissioning of the MCES capital program which invests about $150M annually into MCES’ wastewater treatment plants and conveyance system. Jeannine is honored to be part of an organization that has a critical role in the region: to protect public health and the environment, and to foster the economic growth of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Prior to working for MCES, Jeannine was the Director of Public Works for the cities or New Hope and Golden Valley, MN.

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