ASD Market Week March 2020


Melissa Simonson

Melissa Simonson
General Manager
Empowery eCommerce Cooperative

Down to her last $30 and with her power turned off, Melissa Simonson started her entrepreneurial journey out of necessity. She later shifted into eCommerce and is proud & honored to manage the nonprofit, member-owned Empowery eCommerce Cooperative to help other entrepreneurs. Empowering and inspiring women is something that is especially near and dear to her heart. General Manager of Empowery and on the Board of Directors, host of the eCommerce Connection, host and organizer of the Seattle Summit and Empowery Women's Conference, Melissa has been featured on Serious Sellers Podcast, Shopkeeper Podcast, Seller Sessions, Women on Amazon, eCom Whiz, Private Label Legion Podcast, Awesomers Podcast and more.

Sessions :