HAuNTcon 2020


Peter Corbett

Peter Corbett
Theatrical Manager
Terror Behind the Walls at Eastern State Penitentiary

Peter is currently the Theatrical Manager at Terror Behind the Walls but he has been haunting since his high school days in Connecticut. He started out as an actor in some terrible overalls and fell in love with the thrill of scaring and the community that comes with haunting. When he moved to Philadelphia to pursue a bachelors degree in cultural/social anthropology he found a new haunt community at Eastern State Penitentiary. After 5 years of running around behind the walls acting and attraction managing, Peter took on a new role as theatrical manager where he utilized his background to help establish a cohesive story line, script, and created an environment to maximum a positive staff experience. Of course he still found plenty of time to run around and remind himself why he started doing this in the first place: the screams of terror!

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