
Michael Hirschhorn

Michael Hirschhorn
mebl | Transforming Furniture

Michael J. Hirschhorn is founder & CEO of mebl | Transforming Furniture. mebl is dedicated to expanding the market for beautiful furniture built of reclaimed wood and metal as a means to mainstream environmental sustainability in furniture production . From 2008-14, Michael served as Executive Director of the International Human Rights Funders Group. Previously, he served as Executive Director of Coro New York Leadership Center; as Executive Director of the Literacy Assistance Center; and as Deputy Executive Director of Educators for Social Responsibility Metro. Michael was an Assistant to the Chancellor of the New York City Public Schools and, from 1998-2003,served as the "Visiting Non-Profit Executive" at the Yale School of Management. Michael serves on the boards of a number local, national and global human rights, media and education non-profits and philanthropies. He holds a BA in American Studies from Yale University (1981) and an MBA and MSW from Columbia University (1989). Michael lives in Brooklyn, NY with his wife Jimena Martinez and their 16-year-old twins.

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