The 2020 Pool and Spa Show


Beth Hamil

Beth Hamil

O3 Consulting

Introduction During my 32-year tenure at DEL Industries (DBA DEL OZONE, a full-scale ozone system manufacturer) my responsibilities included corporate operations, regulatory compliance, design, development and utilization of ozone sanitation systems for multiple applications. This required me to be a student, teacher, researcher, collaborator, designer and published author of ozone technology and its associated microbial efficacy and human/environmental safety, (including regulatory compliance and sustainable practices), in all aspects of successful ozone integration. I am uniquely qualified to offer this extensive knowledge to those who are seeking a better understanding of ozone sanitation practices and sustainable sanitation solutions. Experience 40 years professional experience in ozone system development, ozone applications, ozone consulting (including applications engineering), and project management, spanning a comprehensive range of commercial and residential industries. These include, but are not limited to, aquatics, food safety applications (commercial and food service), wineries, pharmaceutical and industrial uses. Highly experienced and very adept with regulatory compliance responsibilities for the use of ozone, while staying up-to-date with emerging governmental compliance developments. Maintaining an ongoing focus for developing parameters for ozone efficacy and worker/environmental safety for a broad range of applications. Authored regulatory code for numerous ozone applications, interfaced with government agencies to assist in their understanding of ozone’s efficacy and safety, and a working member of multiple public health standards writing committees as their chosen ozone expert.

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