WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2019


Kristen Graf

Kristen Graf
Executive Director
Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy (WRISE)

As WRISE's Executive Director, Kristen is thrilled to be able to merge her passions for renewable energy and the advancement of women within such an incredible organization. In 2013, Kristen was recognized for her work with WRISE (formerly WoWE) and given the Award for Mid-Career Achievement in Mentoring and Education by the US Department of Energy’s C3E Initiative. Before making her way to WRISE, Kristen spent five years with the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) in Boston. As the Clean Energy Program Coordinator and Research Associate at UCS she worked on renewable energy policy at the state and national level with particular focus on wind and biomass energy in New England as well as working to hone some of her nonprofit management skills. In 2011, Kristen was named a Senior Fellow in the Environmental Leadership Program’s Eastern Region. She received her Bachelors Degree in Agricultural and Biological Engineering from Cornell University.

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