Offshore WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2019


Beth Casoni

Beth Casoni
Executive Director
Massachusetts Lobstermen's Association

Beth Casoni is a pro-active participant in many areas involving the commercial fishing industry with her primary focus on the commercial lobster industry. As the Executive Director for the Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association Beth is the boots on the ground representative for the commercial fishermen and will always give them the shore side support needed to ensure their continued success on the water. Beth currently sits on the MA Fishermen’s Working Group for Offshore Wind, MA Ocean Planning Committee, MA Ocean Acidification Commission, MA Seafood Marketing Commission, Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team, and the New England Fisheries Management Commission Herring and Habitat Advisory Panel. Beth’s past professional experiences range from law enforcement, sales, and customer service and she utilizes all of these experiences to better serve the commercial fishermen. Beth grew up in a large fishing area within her town and has commercial fishermen in her family so; her personal experiences give her the heart and drive to keep moving forward with purpose and determination to better represent the commercial fisherman.

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