SNAPa 2019 Annual Conference


Charlsia Fortner

Charlsia Fortner
Food Safety Specialist
USDA Food and Nutrition Service

"Charlsia Fortner is a food technology professional with over 25 years of experience providing food and dairy related technical assistance to Federal and state program participants. She is a Food Safety Specialist with the USDA Food and Nutrition Service, where her projects cover a broad spectrum of the food safety arena, including food safety education and training initiatives, USDA Foods support, and food defense activities. Charlsia is the food allergy lead for the FNS Office of Food Safety, and is also a parent of twins who have been diagnosed with food allergies. Charlsia began her career with the USDA as a Nutritionist with the Food and Nutrition Service, working with the Child Nutrition Labeling Program, and providing nutrition and food science based technical assistance to Child Nutrition Program participants. Before moving to Washington, DC, Charlsia worked as a Public Health Environmentalist for the Mississippi State Department of Health, inspecting and permitting retail food establishments and performing food service and licensure inspections for child care facilities. Charlsia earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Dairy Manufacturing and a Master of Science degree in Food Science and Technology from Mississippi State University. "

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