ASD Market Week March 2020


Tyler Wilkinson

Tyler Wilkinson
Professor Commerce

Tyler Wilkinson is a senior business consultant and cofounder of Professor Commerce LLC. He studied accounting and economics at LDS Business College then later business management at Utah Valley University. To further his strengths he received certifications in the seven habits of highly successful people, Google adwords, Ebay seminars, lean manufacturing, and six sigma with a black belt. Having a love to build things, he became a project manager in the large commercial construction sector. Shortly thereafter the economic downturn hit in 2008 forcing him to jump from company to company only to see them collapse from beneath him. In a period of 18 months he had only been able to secure a salary for 5 months going over one year without income. Near the end of 2008 Tyler had run out of all money in savings and fully extended his credit lines bringing him to the brink of bankruptcy. This devastating financial struggle became the turning point which would catapult him into entrepreneurship. Having his back against the wall he pushed through the turmoil and began his first company. As the newly found business began to grow he listened intently to customer feedback to help guide his efforts. He soon understood the way to a mass audience was by having a prominent online presence. Moving forward he was able to rank in the top of the Google search results, place products on big box retail shelves, and master social media marketing.

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