2020 Midwest Foodservice Expo


Joseph Hastreiter

Joseph Hastreiter
Accountant & Marketing Director
EWH Small Business Accounting

Joseph F. Hastreiter is a graduate from UW-Milwaukee with degrees in Accounting, Finance, Political Science and a minor in Economics. He currently works at EWH Small Business Accounting as an Accountant and Marketing Director. Joseph’s parents, Ed and Ann Hastreiter, started the accounting practice in 1979 giving Joseph hands-on experience at an early age. The day to day encounters at home and at the office allowed him to learn the strategies required to run a successful small business by the numbers. Joseph also learned that running a small business was not only about understanding numbers, but it was also about understanding people. These perspectives lead him to becoming a certified NLP Master Practitioner, a model of life coaching from SRI University. These abilities have empowered him to identify the effective strategies to understand the numbers and the people within a business. With the advantage of many great mentors over the past 8 years, Joseph has taken all of the knowledge and developed a workshop to teach and train business concepts and strategies in a way that is easy, simple and most importantly, effective! Visit EWHsba.com

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