2020 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference


Michelle Fayed

Michelle Fayed
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue

Michelle Fayed is a firefighter/paramedic and 16-year veteran of Miami-Fire Rescue (MDFR). After over a decade as a wife and caregiver of her husband, an Army veteran diagnosed with PTSD her extensive knowledge and lived experience continues to motivate her to be an outspoken advocate for mental wellness. This also led to her invitation to be a Content Developer of the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Fire/EMS specialty module and a National Trainer for MHFA. In 2017, Michelle was called upon by the National Council for Behavioral Health to advocate for support and funding of mental health awareness education at Congressional Staff Briefings in Washington, D.C. She has spoken about the topic of mental health and PTSD in emergency services Nationally including at the National Association of State Fire Marshal’s Annual Conference, the Orlando Fire Conference, FDIC International, National Professional Development Summit, Virginia Fire Rescue Conference and Behind the Shield Podcast.

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