BrandStorm 2020


Jefferson Davis

Jefferson Davis
Competitive Edge

Jefferson is President of Competitive Edge, a highly-specialized training and consulting firm on a mission to inspire, lead and direct businesses on how to more effectively use exhibiting to visibly support core business objectives and generate measurable financial value, far beyond cost. Our mission is achieved by challenging clients to re-evaluate limiting perspectives about exhibiting and getting them highly focused on precision execution of critical exhibiting success factors. Jefferson is a results-focused, process-based, passionate visionary and creator of three 'game changing' exposition industry programs including the highly acclaimed Tradeshow Turnaround Program, E3 Exhibiting Effectiveness Evaluation program, and Exhibitor Success & ROI Center program. His Tradeshow Turnaround philosophy and practices are the exposition industry's definitive guide to quickly turning tradeshows from 'expensive appearances' to 'productive, profitable investments.' By providing a clear set of empowering results-focused perspectives, backed with specific, process-based strategic practices, his training and consulting services have helped clients generate over $750,000,000 in combined results. No other consulting or training firm can speak to results like this. Since 1991, as a consultant and trainer, he's worked with hundreds of exhibiting companies from small businesses to Fortune 500, and has trained over 100,000 marketing and sales personnel.

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