NASS 2019 Annual Meeting


John Peloza, MD

John Peloza, MD

Royalties: DepuySynthes (B, Aegis Scout ); Stock Ownership: Paradigm Spine (, 1%, Stock, no distributions, payments to date ), 4 Web (, 1%, Stock, no distributions, payments to date. ); Consulting: Spineology (Financial, Labs/Product Development - $500. , Paid directly to institution/employer), Medtronic (Financial, Product evaluation/development $1500.00), 4web (Financial, Labs/Product Development $0 in 2017), RTI (Financial, Labs/Product Development -$1860.00, Paid directly to institution/employer); Speaking and/or Teaching Arrangements: RTI (Financial, $0 in 2017), 4Web (Financial, Teaching instruction planned for later in 2017); Trips/Travel: Nuvasive (Financial, Trip :==$250/hotel night, $500/domestic roundtrip flight, $1000. total ); Scientific Advisory Board: K2M (Nonfinancial, Board of Scientific Advisors ).

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