ErgoExpo 2019


Jonathan Puleio

Jonathan Puleio
Global Vice President

Jonathan Puleio is a board certified professional ergonomist who holds both undergraduate and graduate degrees in human factors and ergonomics from Cornell University. As Global Vice President of Humanscale Consulting, Jonathan is responsible for leading an international team of ergonomists. Jonathan has extensive experience in the areas of ergonomic program development, occupational health & safety, musculoskeletal injury prevention, and workplace design. He has worked with the International Standards Organization (ISO) on the development of international ergonomic standards for office environments and holds several U.S. patents for the design of ergonomic products. He is an adjunct professor at NYU Tandon School of Engineering where he teaches the undergraduate course Human Factors in Engineering Design. Jonathan is based in New York City and has worked with Humanscale Consulting since 2002.

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