DISTRIBUTECH International 2020


Brent Jensen

Brent Jensen
Sales Advancement Director for Utilities, Business Development
Bentley Systems

Brent works with sales teams from both Bentley and Siemens to help show Utilities the value of digitizing their complex power systems to greatly reduce the work and automate DER studies. Brent Jensen has worked in a variety of industries, starting with computer and software design at IBM focused on hardware and computer chip design, then in software development and sales for IBM’s product suite called ITSM (IT Service Management). This involved Network, System, Application, End User, Transaction, and other types of system and end user monitoring to help IT shops manage complex system and application environments. Then he joined an Energy Storage company involved in large flow batteries (1MW to 100 MW’s) with a 20-year life span, to help utilities smooth renewable energy generated from Solar and Wind farms. Working with Texas Utilities, he helped show how energy storage paired with renewables can be a very cost-effective alternative to other energy generation sources.

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