2019 Annual Educational Conference and Trade Show


Michele Pouliot

Michele Pouliot

Michele Pouliot has been training dogs since 1972. She worked 42 years as a professional guide dog trainer and innovator for the largest guide dog school in North America. Before entering the guide dog field, she studied under Linda Tellington Jones and Wentworth Jones at The Pacific Coast Equestrian Research Center, working for them after graduating with honors. Michele has been responsible for bringing Clicker Training globally to the entire guide dog field. In 2016, the International Guide Dog Federation presented Michele with a lifetime achievement award for her efforts. Michele has been a faculty member of Karen Pryor’s Clicker Expo Conferences since 2007. Michele’s enthusiasm in teaching effective clicker training is infectious and she has more than 45 years of hands-on experience to draw upon. Michele is sought after for seminars and workshops due to her clarity of instruction, incredible training skills, along with her entertaining presentation style. Since 2006, Michele’s sport has been canine musical freestyle that combines the challenge of precision, creative trick behaviors, and artistry. In 2008, Michele made freestyle history in the World Canine Freestyle Organization when she received the first perfect scores of double 10s in Technical and Artistic for a performance. Michele repeated this notable accomplishment with her celebrated Australian Shepherd “Listo” an incredible 24 times.

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