WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2019


John Lyons

John Lyons
Principal Wind Turbine Test Consultant

John Lyons is a senior consultant with more than six years of experience in the wind turbine instrumentation and testing field; he is currently responsible for technical development, process and procedural improvement in the Measurements Department. He is a former Head of Section for Turbine Testing, and has been project manager and sponsor for dozens of power performance, site calibration, and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) instrumentation projects. Mr. Lyons has a B.A. and M.Sc. in geology and geophysics and, outside of DNV-GL, Mr. Lyons has performed instrumentation work and field support for various scientific projects, as well as having recently worked as a technical logistics and supply-chain manager for Doctors Without Borders in central Africa. He specializes in data acquisition and instrumentation design as well as the design of more complex data communication structures.

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