WOCNext 2019


Ann Marie Nie

Ann Marie Nie
Wound, Ostomy Nurse Practitioner
Dayton Children's Hospital

Ann Marie Nie is a Family Nurse Practitioner with a specialty in wound, ostomy and continence care. She is currently employed at Dayton Children’s Hospital as a Wound NP and pressure injury preventionist. She has cared for neonates to young adults with WOC diagnosis since 2006. She was instrumental in the development of a pediatric WOC program and pressure injury prevention bundle while working at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. At Children’s Minnesota, she worked with the Safety Team to create a more robust pressure injury prevention program. She is in the process of validating a pediatric pressure injury prevention risk score. She speaks nationally and internationally in pediatric PI prevention measures, wound care, ostomy and neonatal skin. She was the chair of the small working group for pediatrics and neonates for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure ulcers/injuries International Guidelines 2019. She is a board member of the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel. She is a PhD candidate at the Catholic University of America and her research is addressing the different pressure injury risk factors across the pediatric age groups.

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