VenueConnect 2019


Mark Camillo

Mark Camillo
Senior Policy Advisor

Mr. Camillo is a well-known and respected subject matter expert in critical infrastructure protection and emergency preparedness, with consulting clients to include Contemporary Services Corporation, where he serves as the Senior Advisor on policy and process for maintaining quality assurance. Mr. Camillo began his career in law enforcement as a Special Agent in the U.S.Secret Service where he completed a distinguished 21-year career that included three separate assignments at the White House. Specialized assignments at the White House required protecting four U.S. Presidents and family members in various capacities and ultimately being head of the White House Security Branch, which encompassed the supervision of daily security, emergency preparedness and all-hazards operations at the White House Complex. Following his final White House tour of duty, Mr. Camillo continued his advancement in the Secret Service being appointed to the position of Deputy Assistant Director, detailed to the headquarters of the newly created Department of Homeland Security. He continued working in critical assignments until his return to Secret Service headquarters where he was appointed the Chief Technology Officer for the agency until his retirement in February 2004. Camillo was appointed in 2013 to chair the Public Assembly Facilities Subsector Council, part of the Commercial Facilities Sector, established by the US Government in 2003. He is Chair-Emeritus of the Commercial Facilities Sector Coordinating Council, which includes the public assembly facilities, outdoor events, and sports leagues subsectors along with five other subsectors. Primary goals include reducing risk to the sector, improving coordination, and strengthening security and resilience capabilities.

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