VenueConnect 2019


Justin Guck

Justin Guck
Southeastern Tactical

Mr. Justin Guck has been involved in public safety since 1996. He began his career as a Fire Fighter/Paramedic outside of Chicago and then transitioned into Law Enforcement. Over the years, Mr. Guck has promoted to a supervision level in the second largest Police Agency in the State of Georgia. He has been assigned to their SWAT Team for over 15 years and is currently a Team Leader over the Tactical Medicine program. In addition to conducting Active Shooter and Tactical Medical training, Mr. Guck has overseen many large-scale projects which included policy writing and implementation. He is also the owner of Southeastern Tactical Enterprise which specializes in Education and Product Sales focused on Tactical Medicine, Public Access Bleeding Control, Basic and Advanced First Aid, Safety, Security, and many other areas of EMS and Law Enforcement.

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