KBIS 2020


Nicholas Moriarty

Nicholas Moriarty
Interior Designer
Nicholas Moriarty Designs

Educated at the University of Northern Iowa (BA Marketing) and Harrington College of Design (AA Interior Design), Nicholas utilizes his diverse background to provide every client with a holistic interpretation of their respective style and a solution that accommodates their needs and desires. Nicholas is a modernist at heart with his earliest aesthetic memories revolving around Le Corbusier, the Bauhaus Movement, and artists like Andy Warhol, Anselm Kiefer, Gerhard Richter, and Jasper Johns. It is through Nicholas’ fundamental understanding of Modernism that he is able to interpret and actualize a variety of design styles. Le Corbusier once said, “good design is intelligence made visible” – a sentiment that stands firm at the roots of NMI.

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