TRA Marketplace 2019


Duc Hoang

Duc Hoang

Public Content

Duc Hoang is a content marketing professional at Public Content, a Houston-based Public Relations, Marketing, and Consulting Firm. He runs a food/photography blog @fooodeelicious and @ducducshoot. Started fooodeelicious page in 2016, he is now the founder of a big food blogger group called Grubclubhtx, recruiting top potential food blogger to join. The idea behind Grubclubhtx is to use the power of our top influencers to help local businesses in Houston. He connects his members with pr companies, restaurant owners, and built relationships within the community. He has also attended, hosted, tastings and set up a soft opening for many franchises from out of state. He has worked with many big names such as Miller Lite, Buffalo Wild Wings, Carnival, Stella Artois, Wendy's, Jack in the Box, Chili's, TGiF...etc. He was featured in a commercial ad for Miller Lite during the rodeo season and a Carnival Vista campaign. He was voted by Zagat as one of the best top 101 food accounts in the U.S in 2017.

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