CWCBExpo NYC 2019


Dan Marshall

Dan Marshall
CEO and Founder, MFive Consulting &
Retired, Master Chief Petty Officer, U.S. Navy SEAL

Dan Marshall is the founder and President of MFive Consulting LLC, a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB). He provides strategic level consulting across multiple disciplines leveraging 23 years of Special Operation Forces (SOF) experience to team with key industry leaders on ways to increase corporate performance. Marshall served 23 years of active military within the United States Special Operations Command as a Navy SEAL and Explosive Ordnance Disposal operator. He retired as a Master Chief after serving at multiple east coast SEAL Teams. He has held all levels of tactical and operational leadership positions. He has served in numerous conflicts around the globe to include nine operational tours in combat. Since retirement Dan has been an advocate and speaks across the country about Traumatic Brain injury and Veteran’s Health Initiatives. He was selected as the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC), TBI Champion, to speak of his experiences of dealing with TBI during the 2015 National TBI Awareness Month. He also sits on the Veteran Advisory Board for the National Foundation for Integrative Medicine, a non-profit organization that is committed to finding 21st century medical solutions. Dan uses his first-hand experience of dealing with TBI and other related combat injuries to help educate and share his experiences of exposure from military training and combat operations. He continues to help raise awareness of the impacts of TBI and Veteran Health Issues by breaking down barriers of identifying and seeking help for injuries using alternative methodologies.

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