CAPPO 2020


Rhonna Endres, FMP, CME, CJP

Rhonna Endres, FMP, CME, CJP

Center for Job Order Contracting Excellence

Rhonna Endres, CME, CJP is Executive Director of the Center for Job Order Contracting Excellence (CJE). CJE is the non-profit industry association representing the voice for JOC by assisting governments, owners, cooperatives, and contractors with education, training, professional certification, collaboration, and best practices. As Executive Director, Rhonna serves as an unbiased passionate subject matter expert on JOC and related IDIQ contracting methods, manages operations, consults with entities and auditors seeking best practices, and leads the organization’s strategic growth. She previously served on the Board of Directors and has been an avid voice for efficient project delivery methods and LEAN construction for nearly 30 years. Prior to joining the association, she led numerous teams in the A/E/C industry delivering LEAN solutions across the country. Rhonna is also certified in change management, conflict & negotiations, ethical leadership, government compliance, construction management, and pursuit management. She assists several government procurement committees and has served numerous organizations as a Board member. Her undergraduate degree is in interior architecture and design and her graduate studies were in political science, marketing and leadership. She holds degrees from the University of Houston and Case Western Reserve.

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