CAPPO 2020


Tammy Rimes, MPA

Tammy Rimes, MPA
Executive Director
National Cooperative Procurement Partners

Tammy Rimes is the Executive Director of the National Cooperative Procurement Partners (NCPP), the premier Association for educational content, legislative advocacy and support for cooperative procurement. She also formally served as Purchasing Agent for the City of San Diego, the 9th largest city in the nation and Emergency Logistics Chief during the 2007 Witch Creek Fires that raged for 17 days and destroyed over 2000 homes. Under her leadership, the City consolidated its warehouse operations, centralized all purchasing and contracting operations, and moved to a more customer focused approach. With past sales and marking experience in the airline, retail, electrical utility and wine industry, she has the unique perspective of working in three different worlds – corporate, government and entrepreneurial.

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