Face & Body Southeast 2020


Tara Hill Hanover

Tara Hill Hanover
Celebrity Makeup Artist/Host
CNN Beauty/Gem Shopping Network

Behind every show stopping, jaw dropping celebrity red carpet look, there’s an expert who put their talent, time and major skills into making the magic happen…meet Tara. In addition to being a wife and mother to three amazing children, Tara is an in demand celebrity stylist, hair and makeup artist for CNN, on-air beauty expert, host for the Gem Shopping Network, lifestyle reporter and motivational speaker specializing in professional presence as well as personal branding. You can watch her 24 hours a day on GemShopping.com as the in-house celebrity stylist offering style tips on the latest trends. As an expert in her field, she has personally been featured on the cover and centerfold of the prestigious industry magazines 1st Hold and On Make-up. Her work is displayed on the pages of Forbes, Fortune, Southern Living, Jezebel, Star, Atlanta, Hairstyles, Coiffure Q, Passion and Inspire. Tara’s work has been seen throughout the world, in billions of households on CNN, CNN International, CNN Spanish and HLN. Her many talents have also been featured on TBS, Cartoon Network, The Weather Channel, ESPN, FOX, and HBO.

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